Promoting Nancy’s photography and educating the public about nature, photography, and God

We will be at The Ramble November 7 – 9

Well, actually, now it’s called the “Fall Garden Festival, featuring the 74th Annual Ramble.”   It is held at Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden at 10901 Old Cutler Road in Coral Gables, Florida, from 9:30 am to 4:30 pm on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.   Admission to the festival is included with your regular admission to the Garden, which is $25 for non-members. (It is free for members.)   There are different discounts for seniors and children.   See their website ( for details and other promotions.   They are expecting between 8 and 10,000 visitors.   Although this is our first year participating here, I believe they’ve had about 60 exhibitors in the past.   On their website, there is a schedule of related events for Saturday and Sunday.

For us, this will be an unprecedented third festival in three weeks, but we will have the pleasure of sleeping in our own beds that weekend.  And although Nancy was born and raised in Miami, the Ramble has been here a lot longer than she has.  Come check it out for yourselves.


