Some of you may have noticed that I just recently added a picture of Nancy and a few Mountain Gorillas to an earlier blog post (We just got back from a two-week trip to Africa) and then added a photo of the two of us with our porters to a related article (A Case Of Over-planning On Our Africa Trip?). We are even having a caption contest right nowLink for a picture of me near a Silverback Mountain Gorilla. So you may have guessed that I finally just began processing the images from that trip. Now I’d like to announce that we have added three new images to our regular collection.

The three images are Mountain Gorilla Mother and Baby (shown above), Mountain Gorilla Family, and Silverback. Each image has its own webpage, of course, and the description in each highlights a different aspect of gorilla life. If you would like to own Print #1 of any of these images, you may want to contact us soon.
Although it has been almost sixteen months since we’ve announced a new imagePrevious, I see there have been a few I forgot to mention. I’ll try to introduce them as soon as possible.
P.S: It is not too late to enter a caption for our current contest.
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