Promoting Nancy’s photography and educating the public about nature, photography, and God

Category: Images

  • Why Doesn’t The Female Painted Bunting Get Any Respect?

    In our image, “Painted Bunting Pair,” the female is on the right. Actually, juveniles (including males) in their first year look similar to adult females. It is rare to see males and females together as they are in this image. And it is just as well because everybody focuses on the male and doesn’t give…

  • “A Future King” – We Have A New Penguin Picture

    O.K! Nancy actually took this photograph around the 9th of January, 2004 while on the Cheesemans’ Ecology Safaris‘ four-week “Falklands, South Georgia & Antarctic Peninsula” tour. We may have mentioned it before, but the Cheesemans are our favorite tour group and Antarctica is Nancy’s favorite continent. For this image, Nancy used her Nikon F3 35mm…

  • Leafy Sea Dragon Added To Website

    This image has been available in our booth for about a year.  Before that it was recognized at one of the monthly competitions at our local camera club.  Nancy took this picture at the Georgia Aquarium in Atlanta during our last Sea Explorer summer trip. Leafy sea dragons live in the coastal waters all along…

  • Would “Pineland Fog” Look As Beautiful In Black And White?

    Linda, a visitor to our booth at the Tamarac Art Festival, asked: You have a piece titled “Pineland Fog.” Would it look as beautiful in black and white? Or would the sunrise not be appreciated in B & W?  Thanks for your insight. We said As you put it, we don’t think the sunrise would…

  • Check Out Our Ghost Orchid Picture

    I just added our Ghost Orchid picture to the website. Nancy took this photograph in early July. Ghost Orchids bloom at the peak of mosquito season. We were wading in water just below our waist. Tanin in the water makes water visibility almost zero. With her camera equipment just inches from the water surface, Nancy…