Promoting Nancy’s photography and educating the public about nature, photography, and God

Category: Images

  • What’s Wrong With This Picture?

    This barely retouched picture (not even cropped – only overcoming camera sensor limitations), which Nancy took a while back (at my request), shows something that most people never see.  Another good question might be, “What aspect of this photograph gives the best clue about where it was taken?” There may be more than one correct…

  • Answers To Your Butterfly Questions

    Jaret Daniels is one of the butterfly experts at the University of Florida.  He’s the one we’ve helped (along with the Miami Blue Chapter of the North American Butterfly Association (NABA)) on rare butterfly surveys in southern Florida and the upper keys. Jaret is also responsible for some of the photos and the distribution of…

  • “The Singing Tower” Is Our Second Gigapan Image

    We’ve just completed a new image and added it to our website at As the blog title says, it is a Gigapan or large panorama using, in this case, 336 photographs arranged in 16 columns, each with 21 photographs, all taken with Nancy’s telephoto lens set at 135 mm so that we get a…

  • The Newest Addition To Our Metamorphosis Collection

    We just finished putting together our long-promised prequel to the Emerging Monarch image that has long been a magnet to elementary school teachers and other nature lovers. This project just took at least three days of editing. Nancy took the photographs (a six-hour process) over six years ago and continued making artistic decisions for the…

  • Name This Fish

    We mention on our webpage, Sandhills On A Stroll (and possibly other places), how we learn from our visitors. We also have a 37″ by 68″ canvas print of our Osprey Family image in our booth. At the latest Melbourne Art Festival, a controversy about the fish’s identity in that Osprey image was renewed. When…