Promoting Nancy’s photography and educating the public about nature, photography, and God

Category: Images

  • “Red Panda” Added To Website

    Nancy took this photograph at the second of two Giant Panda breeding research bases we visited around Chengdu, China, on tour with our second favorite tour group, Natural Habitat Adventures.  At the first base, we got our Giant Panda in Tree and Giant Panda in Tree, which we made available a couple of years after…

  • Our Screech Owl Image – The Rest Of The Story

    On our webpage, Mother Screech Owl with Fledgling, we talk about a pair of screech owls using our backyard nest box. Here is the rest of the story. The first nest box we built was actually for Red-bellied Woodpeckers. The specifications on woodpecker nests are all smaller than needed for Screech Owlsspecs. I always thought…

  • We’ve Added Our “Bedtime For Butterflies” Image

    We’ve now made a page on our website ( for an image Nancy took of three Zebra Heliconian Butterflies (formerly known as Zebra Longwings) roosting for the night in our backyard.  We’ve actually had a matted print of this image available for sale in our booth since about 2012.

  • Making “Eclipse Over Long Pine Key”

    Our latest image, Eclipse Over Long Pine Key, of the solar eclipse in the Everglades in August was by far our most complicated yet. While spending hours and hours overcoming challenges in post-processing, I wondered if I was wasting my time. Would anybody even be interested in the results? Was each of these steps really…

  • Our Newest Image – A Gigapan With The Solar Eclipse

    When I gave suggestions for shooting the solar eclipse in Miamilink, we didn’t have any plans to shoot it ourselves. But about twenty hours before it started, I got another one of my “brilliant ideas.” Then Nancy & I worked to make it happen. You can read about our newest image, Eclipse Over Long Pine…