Promoting Nancy’s photography and educating the public about nature, photography, and God

Category: Post-processing

  • Adding A Signature To Your Image

    I know three ways to add a signature to an image (or any other document you can drag into Photoshop (most likely as a PDF (Portable Document Format) file)): Create and use a signature brush in Photoshop. We learned about this from Robert Chaplin, a fellow South Florida nature photographer, who graciously provided the instructions.…

  • Our New Philosophy On Printing Titles & Signatures

    Like the print numbering rules, there is no consensus on where or how to sign photographs. In fact, there seems to be some controversy.   Some insist that putting one’s signature on the face of the photograph detracts from the image and should never be done (even though pre-photographers (a.k.a. painters) have done so for…

  • Color Matching – Part 1

    There are times when it would be good to have the color of one area of your photograph match the color in another area. I just finished an article explaining how to do that. You can reach it by clicking Color Matching – Part 1. Hopefully, before long, I will publish “Color Matching – Part…

  • Our Gallery-wrap Edges Create Optical Illusion

    When we do the gallery wrap on our canvas prints, I usually take just a tad along the edge of the image and digitally stretch it to several times its original width to wrap around the edge of the frame. That sets up an optical illusion. When you move to the side of the image…