Promoting Nancy’s photography and educating the public about nature, photography, and God

Category: Promotions

  • Quiz: What Paper Size?

    Here’s another math problem inspired by real life! Each correct answer could earn you five dollars ($5) off any of our products or services (to redeem in person, just print and show your certificate).  Good luck!

  • What's Wrong With This Picture (Version 2)?

    It has been almost sixteen months since I submitted my last suspicious photographannouced and I just don’t have enough material to make this a regular feature, but here we go. Nancy took this picture here in Florida. I made a simple change (and cleaned it up just a bit).  So what is wrong here? All…

  • Nancy's Photos Are In Book About Bees

    Nancy's Photos Are In Book About Bees

    Our friend, April Kirkendoll, just finished a book about beekeeping, “Thinking Outside The Box,” and included several of Nancy’s photographs (which, in this case, were created specifically for this project with April’s beehives). As you may remember, we introduced April in what is now our blog post Notes About Bird Flamboyance And Behavior three years…

  • Our Second Biannual Caption Contest

    OK, so it’s actually been almost 27 months since our first caption contestPrevious. The photograph this time is not part of our regular collection, nor will it ever be, most likely. Nancy took this picture on our trip with Natural Habitat Adventures to Uganda and Rwanda in 2015 to photograph Mountain GorillasDetails. As you can…

  • Our Newest Teacher’s Poster, Pupating Monarch, Is Ready

    Less than four months after creating our “Pupating Monarch” imageblog, the new posters are ready. We first mentioned these four years ago in Teacher’s Special – Laminated Poster Of “Emerging Monarch” Is Ready!. They are the same size, specifications, and price as our original poster ($15 for 17″ by 28″ signed poster, laminated on both…