Promoting Nancy’s photography and educating the public about nature, photography, and God

Category: Recognition

  • An Overdue Thank You To For Best Blog List

    In April 2020, Anuj Agarwal of advised us that this blog was on their list of the 100 Best Photography Blogs. I know you’ve all gotten an email from “Who’s Who (Somewhere)” at some point, and we’ve received a number of requests from ‘teachers’ whose kids, in their latest research project, discovered a website…

  • Nancy Receives Award At Pembroke Pines

    For the second consecutive year, Nancy received 1st Place for Photography in Pembroke Pinesprevious. Also for the second time (but not consecutively), she could be considered the worst photographer at that festivalprevious. Believe me, first place pays better. We would again like to thank the Arts and Culture Advisory Board and the City of Pembroke…

  • The Photographers’ Choice Award:

    A Draft Proposal For A Supplemental Award For Festivals Judged By “Old School Art Snobs” Old-school art snobs are highly educated and trained art professionals who, among other things, believe that if it wasn’t around by the end of the nineteenth century, it can’t really be called ‘Art’!” Background Many of the finer art festivals…

  • Nancy Wins Award In Winter Haven

    There were four photographers among about forty artists at the 43rd Central Park Art Festival last weekendschedule. Nancy was proud to receive an Honorable Mention for her work. Another photographer received a higher award, and artist Danny O’ Driscollwebsite received Best of Show for “his nearly-photographic wildlife paintings,” according to reporter James Coulter in the…

  • Nancy's Photos Are In Book About Bees

    Nancy's Photos Are In Book About Bees

    Our friend, April Kirkendoll, just finished a book about beekeeping, “Thinking Outside The Box,” and included several of Nancy’s photographs (which, in this case, were created specifically for this project with April’s beehives). As you may remember, we introduced April in what is now our blog post Notes About Bird Flamboyance And Behavior three years…