Promoting Nancy’s photography and educating the public about nature, photography, and God

Category: Travel

  • “Red Panda” Added To Website

    Nancy took this photograph at the second of two Giant Panda breeding research bases we visited around Chengdu, China, on tour with our second favorite tour group, Natural Habitat Adventures.  At the first base, we got our Giant Panda in Tree and Giant Panda in Tree, which we made available a couple of years after…

  • Woodstock Is No More

    I guess now it’s official – after 36 years, the Woodstock Arts & Crafts Festival will no longer be in Welleby Park in Sunrise on the first weekend of December. This is very sad. They announced that they were hanging it up several months ago, but maybe I was just having trouble accepting reality. This…

  • Another Dumb Question Husbands Shouldn’t Ask

    When Nancy was risking her life for your possible viewing pleasure by balancing on top of our canoe on top of our van in Flamingo, Florida, trying to get shots of the Ospreys for “Osprey Family”,Link I asked a really stupid question. I was on the ground (the ladder to the van’s roof has a…

  • Why You Haven’t Seen Any Painted Buntings

    Imagine being a small bird (buntings, being medium-sized finches, are about five inches long) and sticking out like a sore thumb as the male does in our pictures Male Painted Bunting and Painted Bunting Pair with predators all about; you might be a little self-conscious. Painted Buntings tend to be secretive and skittish and can…

  • A Case Of Over-planning On Our Africa Trip?

    In November, Nancy and I went on a tour by Natural Habitat Adventures to Uganda and Rwanda to photograph mountain gorillas.  For native Floridians like Nancy, the “mountain” in the name hints that this would be no ordinary hike, so she decided to schedule the trip before she got too old (since you never know…