Promoting Nancy’s photography and educating the public about nature, photography, and God

Category: Nature & Wildlife

  • Our New Cardinal Image

    Cardinals are one of the most abundant bird species in North America.  After having a number of people ask about them, Nancy finally captured a cardinal picture she was happy with. Here it is. For more information about the shot and the bird, go to our new Male Northern Cardinal page.

  • The Secret To Finding Hummingbirds In South Florida

    You can only find hummingbirds in the Americas. There are almost 360 species of hummingbirds, most of which live in the tropics. Seventeen of those species regularly visit the United States, but only fourteen breed there. Eleven species have been to Florida. Five species reach southern Florida, and only a couple of those could be…

  • Introducing Our Birder Collection

    Ever since we added our Trinidad & Tobago pictures to our website in August 2012, I’ve been torn about the proper place for some of these pictures. We added a couple of them, namely Trinidad Chevron Tarantula and White-necked Jacobin, to our regular collection. Not all of the others met the high fine-art standards of…

  • Burrowing Owls – Our Newest Addition

    In May, we visited Brian Piccolo Sports Park in Cooper City in the early morning with our friend, Brian Rapoza, to get Burrowing Owl pictures. While there, Nancy got a few pictures. This is the one she likes best. Soon we will be making a few prints for our next art festival, which is still…

  • Subsequent Screech Owl Stories

    Since the nesting screech owls left us (see Our Screech Owl Image – The Rest Of The Story, which is about the subject owl family in our image “Mother Screech Owl with Fledgling” (a link to that page is in the article)), we’ve had a few noteworthy encounters with our local screech owls. In the…