Promoting Nancy’s photography and educating the public about nature, photography, and God

Category: Nature & Wildlife

  • What’s Wrong With This Picture?

    This barely retouched picture (not even cropped – only overcoming camera sensor limitations), which Nancy took a while back (at my request), shows something that most people never see.  Another good question might be, “What aspect of this photograph gives the best clue about where it was taken?” There may be more than one correct…

  • Answers To Your Butterfly Questions

    Jaret Daniels is one of the butterfly experts at the University of Florida. He’s the one we’ve helped (along with the Miami Blue Chapter of the North American Butterfly Association (NABA)) on rare butterfly surveys in southern Florida and the upper keys. Jaret is also responsible for some of the photos and the distribution of…

  • Our Screech Owl Image – The Rest Of The Story

    On our webpage, Mother Screech Owl with Fledgling, we talk about a pair of screech owls using our backyard nest box. Here is the rest of the story. The first nest box we built was actually for Red-bellied Woodpeckers. The specifications on woodpecker nests are all smaller than needed for Screech Owlsspecs. I always thought…

  • Why You Haven’t Seen Any Painted Buntings

    Imagine being a small bird (buntings, being medium-sized finches, are about five inches long) and sticking out like a sore thumb as the male does in our pictures Male Painted Bunting and Painted Bunting Pair with predators all about; you might be a little self-conscious. Painted Buntings tend to be secretive and skittish and can…

  • Why Doesn’t The Female Painted Bunting Get Any Respect?

    In our image, “Painted Bunting Pair,” the female is on the right. Actually, juveniles (including males) in their first year look similar to adult females. It is rare to see males and females together as they are in this image. And it is just as well because everybody focuses on the male and doesn’t give…